50 Amazing Sites With Breathtaking Royalty Free Stock Photos (2021 Updated)
Most Blogger and website owner face trouble, while they go for publishing Posts because finding a suitable Royalty-free image for the blog post, is really tough.
For turning an article mind-blowing you must use the relevant and high-quality image for attracting readers. But most of the images we get on image search result are copyright protected. And anytime you can get DMCA takedown notice for using copyright content without permission of the original photographer.
But this is really hard to find the original photographer and to take permission from each photographer is really kill our valuable time. So we should find a source of the copyright-free high-quality image which can be used in our Blog and website without any hassle.
Are you looking for the perfect stock photo for your blog or website?
What is Stock Photography?
Stock photography is a collection of photographs made available for public use under a number of licenses. Stock photography has lived for much longer than Social media or even Google Adwords.
When picking stock images to use in your digital advertising, your goal should not be to get something that transmits a message and theme of your campaign. Remember how much free social media stock picture sites can entice people to press and advance into the marketing funnel.
You might not want your target audience to be perplexed when they see your advertisement! In reality, it increases the likelihood that they will lose faith in your company and leave the vessel before reacting to your ad.
Advantages of Using Stock Photo
1. Save time
To get a few (or maybe even one) decent shots, you'll need to hire a photographer, plan a photo shoot, and go through a rigorous editing process. By providing you with a broad range to select from, free professional photographs remove the need for any of that.
2. Applications that are flexible
There are millions of stock images online, which means you can use them in a lot of ways. With free illustrations with no copyright, it's convenient to choose simple pictures or something more niche and targeted.
3. Manipulation is easy.
You can easily manipulate the comprehensive designs and customize them to suit your exact needs utilizing stock images.
4. Exceptional and High-quality
You can get high-quality photographs for a reasonable price by using stock pictures. The best thing is that they would look fantastic on every stage.
The disadvantages of Using Stock Photo
1. Obtaining a license
Using a stock image for a reason that isn't protected by the license may have serious consequences.
2. Authenticity is lacking.
You can tell when you're looking at a stock picture because it has that fakey "look" to it. When the target audience recognizes a genuine photograph taken specifically for the benefit of the material they're reading, they'll remember it.
3. Anyone will make use of them.
Since anybody can purchase stock photographs, it's not unusual to come across familiar images on many other websites. What is cheesier than reusing a picture that has already been used by many different websites for the same purpose?
Stock Photo Optimization
One of the most critical first steps is to apply a title and logo to the stock images you use. It would eventually brand the picture and make it sound less bland. It's also a smart idea to modify specific features of free photographs to use, such as the colour, apply filters, and crop the image in unusual ways. Any of this is made easier than ever before thanks to programs like Photoshop, Canva, FotoJet, Gimp and so on.
When it comes to search engine rankings, images are just as relevant as text. Not only can they add meaning to the post, but since humans are graphics hunger, and they will be more likely to click on visually enticing material.
Google heavily favours you depending on how fast your website loads. When it comes to the pictures you use, choosing images with the least amount of coding will make the page rank higher. But don't start making them tiny yet though! You don't want to lose visual integrity just to get to the top of the search results list.
Adding captions to the image will help it score higher. It also helps to include background around the picture after the user lands at the website, making it more meaningful for the audience. It's not strictly required, and if you notice that it disrupts the visual flow of your website, don't feel obliged to add it. However, if you can make it work, it can improve your website SEO.
50 of the Best Sites to Download Royalty Free Stock Photos
Millions of people need high-quality free stock images for their blogs, company websites, social media pages and everything else in today's online business world.
Sadly, many organizations are still settling for the cheesy stock image of the past, either because they are unaware of their choices or believe they are too tough to locate.
The good news is that good stock images don't have to be pricey or concealed deep inside the internet's crevasses. There's plenty of good content out there in this digital era if you know where to look.
Are you looking for more encouraging stories?
We've got your back, and we've made finding these incredible stock photos a breeze.
This is really easy to get a free stock photo for your Blog and website. There are huge sites available over the net for those who are providing the royalty-free high-quality stock image for personal and commercial uses.
I have brought to you the ultimate list of free high-quality stock photos for your Blog and website which is completely royalty-free.
01. Unsplash
Unsplash enables you to search for free and high-resolution unlimited stock photos. You don’t need to do any contribution to download stock photos from Unsplash. This is our favourite source of the stock photo. And most of the time we use high-resolution stock photos from Unsplash to create Blog post's cover photos.
Even you can be a part of the Unsplash site by submitting a high-quality image. You can use their photos for your Blog and Website and social media site.
02. Freerange Stock
Freerange Stock is a great place to get all kinds of high-resolution stock photo. All images are available for commercial and personal uses. Their images are widely using by many popular sites like Smashing, Lifehacker, The huffington Post, Makeuseof etc.
And their search partner is
Shutterstock. You will obviously love this site. You will find plenty of free
people, landscape, industry and food photos.
- Visit: Freerangestock
03. Pexels
- Visit: Pexels
04. Pixabay

I like this site because all images of Pixabay are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0. For this reason, you may download, modify, distribute, and use them royalty free for anything you like, even in commercial applications. Attribution is not required.- Visit: Pixabay
05. Picjumbo
06. Stokpic
- Visit: Stokpic
07. Death to Stock
- Visit: Deathtothestockphoto
08. kaboompics
- Visit: Kaboompics
09. 123RF
123RF is a popular royalty-free microstock image library. 123RF already stocked over 35 million images, audio, videos, and vectors which are paid and free.

However, you will find zillions of free images for free use. But you must subscribe to this site and the subscription is totally free. A simple problem is the free images are very tiny and sometimes they required attribution. Image is Searchable on 123RF and the size of the Gallery is over 35,000.
- Visit: 123rf
10. 500px
This is a premier photography community. You can find royalty-free photos and most of the photos are of impressively high quality.

- Visit: 500px
11. Albumarium
Albumarium site mainly popular for vibrant types of photos such as nature, animals and the city’s stock photo. It has got a beautiful and rich stock image library for personal and commercial use.

You will see a different look at this site. However, images can searchable and you don’t need to sign up with Albumarium.
- Visit: Albumarium
12. Ancestry Images
Ancestry Images is completely different because this site offers historians, genealogists and ancestry or local history images. Those images are not useable for the Website frequently.
- Visit: Ancestryimages
13. BigFoto
This site looks old fashioned but offering free stock images since 2000.
- Visit: Bigfoto
14. Gratisography
Gratisography made by Bell design. This is an amazing site for high-resolution stock photos.
They are permitted to use their images for personal and commercial use. They add new pictures every week. All pictures were photographed by Ryan McGuire.
- Visit: Gratisography
15. Vecteezy
- Visit: Vecteezy
16. Creative Commons Images
Creative commons photo can be utilized for searching for images. It is just like an image search engine. This is a collection of public domains images. And those images are absolutely free to use.
To use the image you don’t need to subscribe to this site. You can search for your desired image. There are many high-resolution images are available on Free images.
- Visit: Creative Commons
17. Reshot
- Visit: Reshot
18. Cupcake
- Visit: Cupcake.nilssonlee
19. Death to Stock Photo
- Visit: Deathtothestockphoto
20. DesignersPics
This is another free stock image site. The main feature of this site is to provide copyright images for free.
Most of the images are delivered by photographer, web designer and developer Jeshu John
- Visit: Designerspics
21. Dreamstime
Dreamstime is a large website with a collection of huge stock photo. You will find much royalty-free stock, but for downloading the photo you must be a member of that site.
In addition, you have to solve a captcha for each download.
- Visit: Dreamstime
22. Epicantus
- Visit: Epicantus.tumblr
23. Every Stock Photo
- Visit: Everystockphoto
24. FindA.Photo
- Visit: Finda.photo
25. Foodies Feed
- Visit: Foodiesfeed
26. Foter
- Visit: Foter
27. Free Images
- Visit: Freeimages
28. Free Media Goo
- Visit: Freemediagoo
29. Jaymantri
- Visit: Jaymantri
30. Startup Stock Photos
- Visit: Startupstockphotos
31. Picography
- Visit: Picography
32. Magdeleine
This is a hand-picked free photo collection site. You will find varieties photo for your personal and commercial use. All images are published under the CC0 Public domain.
You can search for an image through the search option and also find image under various category.
- Visit: Magdeleine
- Visit: Lifeofpix
34. Freephotosbank
- Visit: Freephotosbank
35. PhotoEveryWhere
- Visit: Photoeverywhere
36. OpenPhoto
- Visit: Openphoto
37. SplitShire
- Visit: Splitshire
38. Imagebase
- Visit: Imagebase
39. Deviantart
- Visit: Deviantart
40. Photober
- Visit: Photober
41. isorepublic
The aim of ISO's Republic is to provide only the greatest digital images for all types of the online platform.A quick look at their website shows that they are serious about the quality of their content. The photographs are of excellent quality, and although the subjects differ, they all share a sense of professionalism.
Compared to some of the previously mentioned pages, ISO allows you to sign up for their mailing list to receive additional content which is not available on their website.
- Visit: Isorepublic
42. Negative Space
Negative Space's free stock photos are updated every week, which is one of the best features of the site. You'll never ever have to concern about copyright restrictions with Negative Space, so you can use them in your project without any hassle.Negative Space offers a wide range of options and a user-friendly interface. It is very simple to sorting through the photos to find what you're looking for.
- Visit: Negativespace
43. IMCreator
IMCreator is an exclusive site for finding free stock photos. Mainly I love this site for its categories and search option. You will easily find your desire picture easily. IMCreator has a curated collection of free web design resources for either personal or commercial use.
- Visit: Imcreator
- Visit: Imcreator
44. New Old Stock
- Visit: Nos.twnsnd
45. Focastock
Jeffrey Betts has created a series of high-resolution images called Focastock. Jeffrey focuses on photographing workspaces and wildlife. Focastock is a popular free stock image finder site.
Focastock is search supported site where you can search the image by using keywords. Focastock has free photo, video and templates for commercial use, but it mixed with high and low-quality images.
- Visit: Focastock
46. Libreshot
More or less every photographer contributes his or her own distinct style to this lighthearted piece of art. A very interesting set of free stock images can be found at Libreshot.
- Visit: Libreshot
47. Fancy Craves
The photographs on Fancy Crave are free of copyright infringement and are devoid of the corniness that often surrounds stock photography. While attribution is not needed by rule, they do suggest it as little as feasible.
Fancy Craves prefers two new images to upload every day, bringing things up to date and offering stunning photos for all occasions.
- Visit: Fancycrave
48. Stocksnap
- Visit: Stocksnap
49. HubSpot
HubSpot is somewhat different from the other ones; someone that only need business graphics has a certain lack of high-quality free stock pictures.

Hubspot has a sustainable range of photographs in the corporate theme that are ideal for a business project.
- Visit: Hubspot
50. Rawpixel
The title's relevancy suits the uniqueness of their images. You can select from a selection of funky, side photos on their website. These photographs, as you might expect, are free to use without any copyright issues.
The photos that make it through their stringent screening process can then be used in whatever way you see appropriate. The platform also makes finding the correct stock picture as simple as possible.
- Visit: Rawpixel
Besides this, there are many websites available for stock photo image. However for using stock photo always look at the license and terms and conditions.
The best thing you can do use a stock image from those sites who
are explicitly state that their images are free to use for both personal and
commercial purpose.
I hope all the site lists for using the stock image will help
to select the right stock image for your Website, Blog and social media site.
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