Guest Article

We appreciate your interest in writing for BloggerSpice. We are always on the lookout for new contributors but are selective in our choice of writers.
Guest Post is a great way to build strong credibility links for your blog or website. It also increases your blog’s or website’s traffic and helps to expand your readership.
It can increase your site's brand value and goodwill. Currently, we accept high-quality and plagiarism-free Guest articles.
We are committed to publishing fantastic Blog growth content on a regular and ongoing basis.
For this reason, we also want to get that content from contributors, like you!
Sound good? Great!
Attention! We do get tons of pitches every day, so please read this carefully. We Don’t Accept Guest Posts Unless You Follow Our Rules.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Please Check out the answers to the most often-asked questions to get more information about our Guest article publication.
We accept original and quality content. You can write anything useful for our readers. But your article must be focused on at least one of these topics related: Make Money Online, Blog Growth Strategies, Blogging, How-to related tutorials, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Only necessary URLs from authoritative websites are allowed. The blatant self-promotion will not be acceptable. But, you add contextual links where they add value to the reader. No links to unrelated sites. Any links in the body content must point to a high-quality, relevant blog post. It is not permitted to use affiliate or paid links. NO self-promotion or calls to action in the body of your post (in your byline is OK).
You can include 1 'nofollow' URL from your personal blog and 1 social media page URL in your guest article. Any kind of commercial and 'do follow' URL is not acceptable under free publication.
No this is not possible to change the published URL under free publication. And we don't accept link exchange proposals.
Yes. the guest article will stay permanently. But BloggerSpice has full rights to modify or delete the article for any kind of future upgrade or guest article with backdated information.
The article Must be Composed in English and delivered in a MsWord (Document) file. The article Must Be 100% Original. (Not Copied From Other Blogs/Websites/Forums). The article Must Be a Minimum of 1200-3000 Words. The content must be detailed and unique. Not violate any copyright laws. No fluff content. We don’t accept posts with spelling or grammar errors. The article will be checked by the Turnitin plagiarism checker tool.
Your accepted content will be published and shown to the BloggerSpice audience of more than 30,000. An author bio will be added to your guest article with a description of yourself and your personal blog URL, and 1 social profile link.
Full Name / First Name: depending on what you prefer to be known as.
Website URL: you don’t have to have a website but it would be nice to show readers more things about you.
Bio: (20- 40 words) A short piece of text describing who you are and what you do.
Picture: The author should provide their Picture.
After submitting, please allow up to 5 days for your work to be reviewed. While we usually publish submissions within 5 days, sometimes it will take more than 5 days for many reasons.
PS: We reserve the right to remove or change links and edit your post in any way, at my sole discretion.
Thank you for reading this far; following these guidelines saves time for everyone involved. I'm excited to work with you!
You can send your submission Here with the subject ‘Guest Post’, or you can send it to the email given below:
Submit your topic idea or article to
How Do You Follow Up on a Published Article?
After your article is published, you should:
check your article daily after published to respond to comments because replies are more important.
If we found that you are not replying to the comments, we will delete the post because we did not see such a type of reputation.
Editors’ Rights
- We reserve the right to add a byline or blurb about our publication and its sponsors at the bottom of your article.
- We reserve the right to add our logo for branding to featured images in articles.
- We reserve the right to request the author to add more words to articles to make them relevant.
- We reserve the right to augment and modify the content.
- Blogger Spice has the authority to delete any of your published articles at any time without citing any reasons.
Publication’s Rights
- We reserve the right to remove any published article from the BloggerSpice blog, should it infringe on another individual's well-being without notice to the author.
We appreciate and look forward to publishing your submissions, but after review, if your article is not accepted, you likely did not abide by one or more of our guidelines.
Blogger Spice has the sole authority to reject any articles without citing any reasons at all. Blogger Spice has the right to edit the article and is the owner of the articles submitted.
If your article was not selected, we promise that your articles will not be sold anywhere else and they would be deleted/destroyed immediately.
Thank you so much for your interest and I look forward to hearing from you.