How To Schedule Your Blogger Post to Automatically Publish?
How To schedule a Post in Google Blogger? The beginners guide to a blogging schedule. beginners guide to a blog post and social media schedule. learn how to Schedule a Post on Blogger? Set your Blogger posts to automatically post at set dates and times.
Blog post publishing is monotonous work so you have to do this work constantly. If you have time or not, you have to keep posting to hold your readers with you. Daily blog publishing immensely needs to grow your blog.
Suppose you will travel for 1 week then how you can publish a post?
In the travelled area we won’t get any internet access or sometime we have a different long-time vacation or religious festivals like Eid , Puja or Christmas day or Exam. We don’t get enough time to make any post to keep running our blog. Even if you are running your blog with multiple authors, you won’t be able to update the blog. So we have to think of any alternative.
Blogger has given this
opportunity from the beginning through an option, known as schedule update. Though
this is a simple option we can use this option when we travel or on
vacation. When you plan to travel with the best carry-on luggage for summer vacation, then easily you can update your blog.
this update, write some post earlier before you leave for vacation
or any other occasion and you can publish it according to your desired time.

Suppose you have written 7 articles for publishing in your blog within 7 days. Now put the articles on seven separate posts by using the New Post option.
Under Sidebar you will find
a Schedule update and you have to select your post to publish date and time. And see
within your schedule time your posts are publishing. Even your visitors won’t
notice that you are out of town. So I will explain below step by step
below with the graphical representation.
How to schedule a blogger post in blogger?
Step 1 Log in to your Blogger Account and Go to your Blogger Dashboard
Step 2 From
Blogger Dashboard
click on -> New Post
Step 3 Now Click on Post Settings-> Schedule from Right Side Bar
Step 5 And Press on "Publish post". At this point, your blog post will go into a queue and will not appear until the scheduled date and time.
Step 6 Now see you schedule Post Under All Post. It has written Scheduled and when the exact time and date will then it will publish.
Though you are away from your blog you should announce or give notice to your readers that you have activated schedule publish otherwise any visitors can make comments but if they don't get a reply then they may leave your blog forever.
Hope this article will help you to solve your problem when you travel and in the exam hall.
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