Ultimate list of 260+ CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enable blogs for building Backlinks
Hey Folks a good news for all of you, Today I am going to share awesome List Of High PR CommentLuv Enabled Dofollow Blogs with all of you. This list contains best WordPress blogs with a minimum of Page Rank 2 or 3,so if you want to increase your site Backlinks and traffic, then do leave your valuable comment on these Dofollow Blogger and WordPress blogs.

Backlinks is the measurement of blog’s popularity as well as search engine consider it as a more trustable and reliable blog. That means if your blog have a good number of backlinks then you will be able to get higher page rank. There are many ways you can get backlinks and I have already discussed about how to get backlinks from Forum, Educational site, Government site etc. now I am going to share with you an easiest way to obtain backlink and divert traffic from CommentLuv and KeywordsLuv enable sites.
How to build quality backlinks from CommentLuv and KeywordsLuv
CommentLuv and KeywordsLuv enable sites always provide a backlinks as a reward to commentators. But in this case you have to be little tricky and honest. When you will go for comment then write some argumentative and logical comment. If you just write nice post or very well then your comment may not be published after review by the author.
#Benefits of Commenting on others blog:
If you want to divert more traffic and expect comment in your own blog then you must comment on others blog. If your blog is new then blogger community may not aware about your blog so this is the only effective way to introduce your blog with others is to comment on their blogs. As a result your will see the effect that your will receive traffic very soon.
260+ CommentLuv and KeywordsLuv enable blog lists
Here I am providing you more than 260 blog list where they have installed CommentLuv and KeywordsLuv for commenting and against a logical and good comment you can get a backlink from those sites. Remember don’t leave your blog address on comment body rather just make comment you will receive backlink soon.
- 1. http://fiddyp.co.uk
- 2. http://superbloggingtips.com
- 3. http://comluv.com
- 4. http://basicblogtips.com
- 5. http://growmap.com
- 6. http://freebloghelp.com
- 7. http://kikolani.com
- 8. http://www.attractionmarketingonline.com
- 9. http://awebsitedesigner.com.au
- 10. http://www.biggirlbranding.com
- 11. http://www.birdsontheblog.co.uk
- 12. http://blondish.net
- 13. http://cravingtech.com
- 14. http://www.cravingtech.com
- 15. http://e-wali.com
- 16. http://www.famousbloggers.net
- 17. http://www.fansbridge.com
- 18. http://gradmoneymatters.com
- 19. http://www.iblogzone.com
- 20. http://www.intenseblog.com
- 21. http://kaiserthesage.com
- 22. http://www.netchunks.com
- 23. http://nickstraffictricks.com
- 24. http://www.ryanhanley.com
- 25. http://sem-group.net
- 26. http://smallusbflashdrive.com
- 27. http://www.smartbloggerz.com
- 28. http://www.sweetsfoods.com
- 29. http://thattechchick.com
- 30. http://www.thesaleslion.com
- 31. http://theworkathomewife.com
- 32. http://tips4pc.com
- 33. http://www.vancesova.com
- 34. http://weblogbetter.com
- 35. http://www.webuildyourblog.com
- 36. http://www.workfromhomewisdom.com
- 37. http://adriennesmith.net
- 38. http://another-blogger.com
- 39. http://www.authopublisher.com
- 40. http://blazingminds.co.uk
- 41. http://bloggersnetwork.net
- 42. http://www.chadnicely.com
- 43. http://www.cleancutmedia.com
- 44. http://dougchampigny.com
- 45. http://rich-blogger.com
- 46. http://findingthehumor.com
- 47. http://www.blogpreneurs.com
- 48. http://www.freemakemoneyadvice.com
- 49. http://www.getpaidtowriteonline.com
- 50. http://growwithstacy.com
- 51. http://johnrobberson.com
- 52. http://just-ask-kim.com
- 53. http://legacymarketingservices.com
- 54. http://lisaangelettieblog.com
- 55. http://www.magnet4marketing.net
- 56. http://myblog2day.com
- 57. http://mywebgal.com/blog
- 58. http://profitonknowledge.com
- 59. http://www.seodiscovery.org
- 60. http://www.seommotips.com
- 61. http://w3blog.dk
- 62. http://www.technshare.com
- 63. http://www.thebadblogger.com
- 64. http://wassupblog.com
- 65. http://www.bloggingwithchris.com
- 66. http://crunchynow.com
- 67. http://www.inspiredtowrite.com
- 68. http://www.murlu.com
- 69. http://pattistafford.com/blog
- 70. http://www.seomkt.com
- 71. http://www.techinitio.com
- 72. http://www.socialwebcafe.com
- 73. http://sourceblogger.com
- 74. http://bizhax.com
- 75. http://robcalhoun.com
- 76. http://www.shalusharma.com
- 77. http://www.benspark.com
- 78. http://www.blogincomelife.com
- 79. http://seventoten.com
- 80. http://www.techbucket.org
- 81. http://www.niharsworld.com
- 82. http://techpatio.com
- 83. http://www.blogging24h.com
- 84. http://www.guideandnews.com
- 85. http://www.geekrevealed.com
- 86. http://www.techotalk.com
- 87. http://www.awesomebloggers.com
- 88. http://peterfuller.org
- 89. http://www.relationshippa.com
- 90. http://www.eyes4tech.com
- 91. http://tecknobuzz.com
- 92. http://blogpunch.com
- 93. http://useme4info.com
- 94. http://bloggersmakemoney.com
- 95. http://www.donofweb.com
- 96. http://www.crunchyhub.com
- 97. http://www.makemenoise.com
- 98. http://buildyourblog.net
- 99. http://www.bloggingcage.com
- 100. http://www.teckilla.com
- 101. http://kathydobson.com
- 102. http://www.iblognet.com
- 103. http://bloggingandwb.com
- 104. http://www.thechefscookbook.com
- 105. http://keepupwiththeweb.com
- 106. http://www.thetopblogger.com
- 107. http://www.theepicblog.com/home/the-blog/
- 108. http://likeadad.net
- 109. www.aha-now.com
- 110. www.adriennesmith.net
- 111. www.allbloggingtips.com
- 112. www.ajnabii.com
- 113. www.awesomebloggers.com
- 114. www.avgjoegeek.net
- 115. www.akhilendra.com
- 116. www.authorland.net
- 117. www.basicblogtips.com
- 118. www.bloggingalways.com
- 119. www.bloggerdoc.com
- 120. www.bloggersmakemoney.com
- 121. www.bloggingtips.com –
- 122. www.bivori.com
- 123. www.bloggingcage.com
- 124. www.betterbloggingways.com
- 125. www.bloggingwp.com
- 126. www.blogging24h.com
- 127. www.bloggersmakemoney.com
- 128. www.basicblogtalk.com
- 129. www.blogsaays.com
- 130. www.bloggingfor.info
- 131. www.bradleyaharmon.com
- 132. www.blazingminds.co.uk
- 133. www.barry-wells.com
- 134. www.blogsetupguide.com
- 135. www.bloggingandwb.com
- 136. www.bloggingfever.com
- 137. www.bloggingformakingmoney.com
- 138. www.bloggingbasics101.com
- 139. www.beingchirpy.com
- 140. www.bloggingtipstoday.com
- 141. www.blogengage.com
- 142. www.blogpreneurs.com
- 143. www.bloggersnetwork.net
- 144. www.bloggingwithchris.com
- 145. www.blogincomelife.com
- 146. www.cravingtech.com
- 147. www.crunchyhub.com
- 148. www.contentmarketingup.com
- 149. www.cybernaira.com
- 150. www.capturedbloggingtips.com
- 151. www.christinebrady.com
- 152. www.clickminded.com
- 153. www.chadnicely.com
- 154. www.crunchynow.com
- 155. www.dapazze.com
- 156. www.emfastincome.com
- 157. www.emitez.com
- 158. www.entrepreneursdiscuss.com
- 159. www.fedobe.com
- 160. www.freebloghelp.com
- 161. www.freemakemoneyadvice.com
- 162. www.famousbloggers.net
- 163. www.funjobsforseniors.com
- 164. www.growmap.com
- 165. www.geekblogtips.com
- 166. www.grovetimes.com
- 167. www.geekandblogger.com
- 168. www.geniuskick.com
- 169. www.glosonblog.com
- 170. www.growwithstacy.com
- 171. www.getpaidtowriteonline.com
- 172. www.h4hitech.com
- 173. www.hostcook.com
- 174. www.hacktabs.com
- 175. www.hotblogtips.com
- 176. www.hamzatariq.com
- 177. www.intenseblog.com
- 178. www.itechcode.com
- 179. www.iblogzone.com
- 180. www.inspiretothrive.com
- 181. www.iblognet.com
- 182. www.janesheeba.com
- 183. www.msocialh.co
- 184. www.josylad.com
- 185. www.jahangiri.us
- 186. www.just-ask-kim.com
- 187. www.kikolani.com
- 188. www.kfm24.com
- 189. www.koundeenya.com
- 190. www.letsbuildwebsites.com
- 191. www.lionblogger.com
- 192. www.leffic.com
- 193. www.logallot.com
- 194. www.michelleshaeffer.com
- 195. www.myblog2day.com
- 196. www.mycudjoe.com
- 197. www.mymagicfundas.com
- 198. www.makemenoise.com
- 199. www.magnet4marketing.net
- 200. www.moneymakingmodes.com
- 201. www.makewebworld.com
- 202. www.jatinsharma.in
- 203. www.webmaster-success.com
- 204. www.2startblog.com
- 205. www.technikant.com
- 206. www.techbucket.org
- 207. www.uniqueblogging.com
- 208. www.vancesova.com
- 209. www.zacjohnson.com
- 210. www.methods2earn.com
- 211. www.murlu.com
- 212. www.probloggingtips.net
- 213. www.quickblogtips.com
- 214. www.melvinblog.com
- 215. www.myblogismymoney.com
- 216. www.nopassiveincome.com
- 217. www.notordinaryblogger.com
- 218. www.netmediablog.com
- 219. www.onenaijablog.com
- 220. www.probloggingsuccess.com
- 221. www.probloggertips.com
- 222. www.realtimetricks.com
- 223. www.roadtoblogging.com
- 224. www.rich-blogger.com
- 225. www.webincomejournal.com
- 226. www.wpstuffs.com
- 227. www.wonderoftech.com
- 228. www.youronline.biz
- 229. www.seo-hacker.com
- 230. www.seobloggerstips.com
- 231. www.smartbloggerz.com
- 232. www.techifire.com
- 233. www.techmoody.com
- 234. www.techblogke.com
- 235. www.seommotips.com
- 236. www.seoallrounder.com/blog/
- 237. www.saifullahbutt.com
- 238. www.sayblogger.com
- 239. www.shureekn.com
- 240. www.sylvianenuccio.com
- 241. www.shermansmithblog.com
- 242. www.suejprice.com
- 243. www.socialwebcafe.com
- 244. www.startuptoday.co.uk
- 245. www.superbloggingtips.com -
- 246. www.thesaleslion.com
- 247. www.topbloggingcoach.com
- 248. www.thebloggerjourney.com
- 249. www.techvela.com
- 250. www.techmoody.com
- 251. www.thesitsgirls.com
- 252. www.thetopblogger.com
- 253. www.techbappa.com
- 254. www.tecknobuzz.com
- 255. www.truemarketingcoach.com
- 256. www.tiptechblog.com
- 257. www.tim-bonner.com
- 258. www.tips4pc.com
- 259. www.technshare.com
- 260. www.techpatio.com
- 261. www.writeclever.com
- 262. www.weblogbetter.com
- 263. http://www.triposoft.com/

If you are a CommentLuv or KeywordLuv enable blog owner and enlist your blog in the above list just send me email I will add it as soon as possible.
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Very nice article. It will really help new bloggers. Keep blogging.
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It's worth noting that search engines like Google discourage artificial link-building activities and consider them a violation of their guidelines. If you decide to use CommentLuv and KeywordLuv to build backlinks, make sure that you are doing so in a genuine and ethical way, by leaving relevant and valuable comments that add value to the blog post and the discussion. Spamming or leaving low-quality comments can harm your website's reputation and rankings.
The ultimate list of 260+ CommentLuv and KeywordLuv enabled blogs can be fo…