AdSense Optimization: Strategy to Find Best places for ad placement?
Strategy to Find Best places for ad placement?
AdSense revenue also depends on
placing ads on right place and position. If you would able to place your ad on
right place then obviously your revenue will increase by 25% than before.
However for placing ads you must be comply with Google AdSense policies
otherwise your account may disable by Google.
What Should We Consider Mostly?
You must consider some factor and
keep some tips remember for better positioning your ads. Think about your site readers or
visitors for any Blog you must be consider
two major things those are as follows-
- Your site’s content should be logical
- Your site should have good navigation system.
Moreover you have to think by readers point of view just visit other
site and identify your own preference that what do you want or looking in
other’s site?
Now you have to place your ads without getting readers away. And keep
the page looking fresh, spick and span and appealing.
Create article which is demanding by your readers and they will come
back into your site for reading again and again. And place ads which won’t
annoy your readers.
Always highlight your Blog content not ads. You can highlight your content by placing ads like below examples. And this layout recommended by Google AdSense.

But the site layout which highlight the Ads like below example and this is not recommended by Google AdSense.

You should
place your ads that highlight the content not the ads. Because users should
feel that they are viewing your content not ads only. Your contents should
always above the fold not below the fold and easy to find. Google has created
an online tool where you can test your site layout that is your ads above the
fold or not? Just visit and enter your website URL and check.
Place Your ads on Isolated
place with good color combination
You should choose ad unit color according to your website color
combination. Suppose your site color is complete Black but your ad unit is
White then it will look odd. And don’t
place your post image with ad unit closely because for this kinds of placement
visitors may confused. Which may violate AdSense terms and condition.
Use Ad unit label
There are many webmaster place AdSense ads under various headline
like, Get Money, Download Here, or Click here for Resources which easily
mislead visitors. In addition don’t place your add below post title, Navigation
or download link which make user confuse. According to Google AdSense policy
you can label your Ad units as Advertisements
or Sponsored links.
Place limited number of Ads
Google AdSense allow you to place 3 ad units, 3 link units, and 2
search boxes on each page of any site. But if you place all ad units then your
site may become slower and if the visitors don’t find their desired article
then they may turn elsewhere for information.
You should Review your site often
After placing Ad unit if you see your revenue is not increasing then
you must have to review your site. Just focus on user experience that after
visiting your site what might be the users looking for. For this reason try to
cover each and every topic that help your users.
In conclusion, I hope by reading the strategy
you are now clear that where you can place ads and where not. And which is the
best place for placing ads. In addition always remember 2 things that make your
site user friendly thus a visitors can find any kinds of topic easily. And your
placing ads unit should be identifiable by your site visitors. If you can
ensure those 2 things then your revenue will increase time to time and your Ads
won’t violate any terms of AdSense.