Most talkative subject all over the web is money making as a result you will see that content about money making get priority over the web. I have personally experienced that when I write a content about Money making tips that comparatively got higher hits or views over that content. So I tried to emphasize on money making tip
s that helps the blogger to make some extra money.
We have heard many money making tips by affiliated marketing but today I will share money making tips by contributing an article to other website which is also known as Guest Posting. So I will try to share more possible way to make money by writing a Guest Posts with accurate information. And precisely this article is best suit for Graphics Designer.
And it’s my conviction that you will able to get paid for your articles instantly, There are some site who will pay up to $300 for a unique and quality writing about graphic designing tutorials.
1. PSD Tuts+

This site is for Graphics designer but you don’t have to be master in all graphics software. If you know Photoshop then you will be able to make money up to $50 to $150. It’s a big opportunity to make money by submitting some tips and tricks in tutorial form. Payment Method: They are using 2 options for payment PayPal and Moneybookers
Web Address:
2. The Tech Labs

This is another site for Adobe software expert who can good amount of money by writing tips about Adobe products. This is very god about payment because its minimum payment amount is $50 and maximum $75 for each tutorial article. But the tutorial should be contain at least 400 words long. Payment Method: They pay through PayPal only.
Web Address:
3. Vector Tuts+

This is another money making website for vector arts obviously you have to make some vector images and a tutorial about that particular image with explanation. Generally you have to share technique that how you have made this art. You can use Photoshop and Illustrator and others software. Their payment amount is high because they pay up to $150 for per article but must have to write quality article. Payment Method: Two payment options are available PayPal and Moneybookers
Web Address:
4. Photoshop Tutorials

Most popular website for Photoshop tutorials that you can make highest amount of money. This is the only site who will pay you $150 to $300 for a Guest writing. You article should be unique, creative and valuable to readers. Creativity is the main key to get up to $300 per tutorials. Payment Method: Their payment option is PayPal
Web Address:
5. PS Deluxe

This website is require expert graphics designer who must be very good in Adobe Photoshop. Write about Photoshop tutorials and design articles that will enable you to earn up to $75 from PSD deluxe. Earn $30-$50 for articles about designing. You have to share tutorials through writing a guest post and they also accept articles and tutorials about graphics design, web design, photography, inspiration. Their payment is also very good. Payment Method: Paypal
Web Address:
6. King Tutz

King Tuts is another money making platform by writing Photoshop tutorials but you have to become excel in tutorial writing. Their payment option is very good. You will be able to make $50 to $300 for each tutorial. Payment Method: Paypal
Web Address:
Finally I must say that there is no alternative to make high amount of money over the net except Graphics designing article submission. Because most of the site paying higher amount of money. So this is a good news for Graphics designer to earn a good amount of money through little effort. If you know more about Photoshop based money earning site then share with us through leaving a comments.
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