How to disable Word Verification on Blogger comment?

Blogger Beginners: How to disable Word Verification on Blogger comment? How to remove the Captcha from your blogger blog comments?
Google Blogger’s default comment system included word verification feature and this feature is a best feature of Google to resist spam and prevents automated systems from posting comments to your blog. Though Google has announced war against spam. 

So for making a comment you have to prove commentator as a human they have to write word or digit verification. When you make a comment on blogger comment box then different word or digit puzzle shown randomly. 

This is very good feature for fight against spam.

text verification

Spammer comment on a blog that look like an advertisement or a random link but those links and advertisement are completely unrelated with your site. That means you site has encountered comment spam. Comment spam can be automatically create by software. 

So for resisting this kinds of unwanted comment word verification work best.

However this feature can reduce your number of comment from your Blog. Because many commentator doesn’t like word verification after making comment. Beside of this I have found many problem in various Google blogger base blog where after writing comment word verification appeared but word verification image is not loading properly. 

As a result, I have refresh the page again and seen my whole comment has gone. So this is very annoying for any commentator to rewriting the comment again and again. Ultimately visitors will feel discourage to make comment on blog and most commentator leave the site forever because they face problem while making comment.

Blogger comments

For this reason it’s better to disable word verification. For disabling word verification from Google blogger’s default comment system just follow the below steps-

Step #1: Sing in to your Blogger Account and Go to Blogger Dashboard

Step #2: Go to Blogger Dashboard -> Settings ->Posts and comments ->

posts and comments

Step #3: Now under Show word verification select No by clicking on Dropdown option.

word verify

Step #4: Finally click on Save Setting Button on the top right corner of the page.


You have successfully disable word verification from your default commenting system. Now make a comment after sign out from your Google Blogger account then see Word verification is not appearing.
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